Thursday, March 11, 2010

Psychoanalytic Presentation

Our group sought to present main points on Freud’s "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" and how compulsions are a form of pleasure that relax people from some traumatic event that might have occurred in years prior. We presented daily habits that people might encounter (biting nails, lips, constant moving of the arms and legs...etc) and how they might present some form of pleasure. As a group we worked on separating the class into four groups in order to discuss the differences between our compulsions and if we felt that might arise from some kind of subconscious desire.

Though this is not the video we used, I found it vital to use Monk as the example of a person with compulsions (because he has so many of them). Monk uses his many compulsions as a treatment to help his daily routines. According to Freud, the traumatic episode which one experiences is the reason why one must act out on such urges to please the mind.

Here is a link to view Monk in the act of his OCD:

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